Day 23 | Adventure Camp

Happy Winter Solstice!!
Today marks the beginning of the holiday season and with this busy time of year comes Snowboard Adventure Camp.  It's basically five day lessons where the kids get the same instructor for the entire week.  In the past we've run it every week but because most snowboarders only take about three lessons a week, we've cut the program back to run only on holiday weeks.  I'm a huge fan of having the same kids every day for a week so I always volunteer my services for AC.

My AC kids for this week are three boys who are all level threes.  They are working on their turns on steep green and easy blue runs.  It was a busy day with over thirty snowboarders signed up for lessons.  I also had two rookie instructors shadowing me.

Conditions were variable since it's snowed quite a bit over the past couple of days.  It sounds great but since the temps are hovering near freezing,  the snow is very heavy and wet.  It's also very busy visitor wise, so the lift lines and the runs were fairly crowded.  Tis the season I guess.

(The holiday season means early morning start times, which means it's still dark when I get to the village in the morning.  This pic was taken at 7:50am!)