Day 73 | Riders outnumber Skiers

For the first time in Whistler Kids history, we had more snowboarders (9) in the daily destination program than skiers (5).  YAY!  Go snowboarders!  It was comical because at 8:30am we only had two riders signed up and by 9am, we added seven more.  And of course, they were all Level Ones!!  I didn't get the class but it must have been interesting considering two kids spoke Russian and two kids spoke French.

I took the same kid I took yesterday.  He's a solid level three and we spent the morning working on smaller turns and working on his speed.  Weather has been warm, freezing level up past 2000 metres.  The groomers are okay, still kind of soft packed, but the snow is wet and sticky.

After lunch Max wanted to check out the Treefort so we went there with the Level Six kid.  We then headed down Expressway and back to the CLC to build a jump and work on 180s and olly'ing over super long cushions.  The day went by quickly since Max is pretty fun to hang out with.  Mom and Dad signed him up for an extra day tomorrow so I already know what my "Friday" will be like.