Day 13 | rain

There is lots of snow forecasted for the week ..... more than 90cm (3 ft).  The problem is the freezing level is right below the Emerald Chair.  Above the chair, the snow is mixed with rain and it's very wet and heavy.  Hopefully the freezing levels will get back down to the village as the front hangs around the area helping the snow get drier.

For me, that meant I spent the day in the rain at the CLC babysitting, ooops!  I mean, teaching a five year old Lil Ripper.  Actually the kid wasn't that bad.  He was fun to hang around.  He was smiling all day and laughing.  He had a great time.  He had gone snowboarding a few times with his dad so he had great balance going down straight and fast.  By the end of the day, I had him using his heel edge as his "brake" so hopefully he can start keeping some control.

Teaching these kids is totally different than what we're use to doing.  Here was our day:  upload the gondola to mid-station, pictures taken at the CLC, three runs down the Magic Carpet, inside for hot chocolate, two runs down the Magic Carpet, build a snowman, inside for lunch, three runs down the Magic Carpet, inside to the jungle gym, back outside to visit the snowman, one run down the Magic Carpet, inside for running around (a break), four more runs on the Magic Carpet,  .... time to go home.

He's signed up until Thursday and I was already asked if I would take him tomorrow.  I couldn't commit either way so we'll find out what happens tomorrow.  It's definitely more like babysitting than it is teaching someone how to snowboard.  But if the snow is going to be crap in the Alpine, I might as well put in my time on the Magic Carpet now.  Leaving me open for higher classes later on when the snow is good.


Martini Cartwheels said...

What a cute pic!