Still no new snow to report. A front is forecasted to bring about 30cm by tomorrow afternoon. I met up with Pip and Jordan around 11am on Whistler. We lapped the Whistler Terrain Park for about two hours. The Parks crew have been doing an outstanding job on the Parks this season. They've added some nice S/M jumps under the lift line. Not too big but big enough to practice getting lots of air and pop on, especially if you're starting to find the small jumps a bit too small. They're labeled as Medium but they're not as big as most medium features. They are sort of in between small and medium. The park has also been extended down to the Emerald Chair. Pip and I followed Jordan through the blue park for a few laps. Then we switched back to the green park. Conditions were really nice. Soft packed powder and the transitions were nicely groomed, not rutted out. It started getting crowded after 1pm so we called it a day around 1:30pm.
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