My happy kid from yesterday returned today which meant I had level twos. He was joined by two other girls, one from Panama and one from Texas. The plan for today was to work on S turns. That's what level two's do, they work on their turns. We spent a little bit of time on the Magic Carpet and then moved over to the Super Carpet. We lasted there until lunch.
My boy could easily turn all the way down the Super Carpet while the girls weren't really turning at all. After lunch I decided to take them down to the Village. That took over an hour. My girl from Texas was really good at zig zagging. I was told she goes down blue runs but the only thing she does is zig zag. She didn't seem too thrilled with practicing turning all day, especially since she really couldn't do it. She was quiet and wasn't excited about anything we did. She walked around all day with a puss on her face. I tried not to let it bring me down. The other two kids were super cool and having a good time. I spoke to her mom at the end of the day and her mother didn't seem to be surprised. Oh well. Like I said, I tried not to let her ruin the good time I was having with the other two kids.
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